What Are the First Symptoms to Look Out for in Coeliac Disease

What Are the First Symptoms to Look Out for in Coeliac Disease


If you are seeking a diagnosis from a medical professional due to potential coeliac disease symptoms, or you are not sure if what you are experiencing is due to the impact of gluten, it is important to have a greater understanding of the symptoms and what to look out for. It is important to say however, that every single person is unique, and the symptoms can vary quite drastically from one person to another.

This is a general guide of what to look out for in terms of the first symptoms of coeliac disease.

What are the common first symptoms of coeliac disease?

You might suffer from a single symptom of coeliac disease, have a few of the different symptoms occurring at any given time, or have no coeliac symptoms at all. The first symptoms to be aware of are linked to your digestive system.

Digestive symptoms in adults and children

Symptoms linked to your digestion include:

  • Bloating
  • Chronic diarrhoea
  • Painful gas
  • Constipation
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Loose, bulky, stools that smell bad

In children suffering with coeliac disease, the inability to absorb nutrients can lead to other symptoms, such as:

  • Damage to teeth enamel
  • Delayed puberty
  • Slowed growth
  • Weight loss

Other common symptoms

There are other symptoms of coeliac disease that occur outside of the digestive system. These cover a range of issues, including:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Iron deficiency anaemia
  • Joint pain
  • Problems with the nervous system – including tingling in hands and feet, balance issue and headaches
  • Mouth ulcers

Does removing gluten help with symptoms?

Some people who have been diagnosed with coeliac disease will experience multiple symptoms prior to diagnosis. Symptoms will improve and go away after the person has removed gluten from their diet. It takes some time, and this varies from person to person. Symptoms may return if that person starts to eat gluten again. It is extremely important to consult your doctor before removing gluten from your diet so that your symptoms can be fully investigated.

Does every person experience symptoms of coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease symptoms are different from one person to another. They can sometimes be mild, other times quite severe, and they can also come and go with a person not noticing any symptoms at all but at a later date experiencing some of the symptoms we’ve mentioned in this guide. There are commonly cases where the condition is only diagnosed in a patient when they are actually being tested and/or treated for another condition entirely.

Even if you do not suffer any symptoms (or only mild symptoms) after being diagnosed with coeliac disease, it’s still essential that you stick to your gluten free diet to avoid suffering from long-term health complications. If you are diagnosed with coeliac disease, you might be entitled to gluten free products on prescription providing you with a range of products to stock up your cupboard essentials and to cook and bake alternative dishes without gluten.